Abuse Stops Here is a charitable organization dedicated to assisting victims of abuse.

Abuse takes many shapes and forms and affects millions of those around us, children and adults who pass amongst us, some invisible, some hidden and some just to scared to seek help.

Help is available at A.S.H.

If you are the abused or the abuser, contact us and we will assist you.

THIS IS US – We stand in between the abusers and the abused, here to offer help and succor howsoever we possibly can.

You can contact us absolutely anonymously or named, the choice is yours. Whatever you decide, your information will always be absolutely confidential.

If You See Something – Say Something!

Abuse can be insidious. It takes many forms and shapes and sometimes becomes the norm in an abusive relationship. It is up to all of us to take note of these signs and report them either to your local authorities or on this site. At most times, signs are clearly visible to those of us that take the time to notice them. Please read Signs Of Abuse on this site.